Being comfortable with difference: How interfaith programs in schools are helping young people navigate difference
The AISNSW Community Cohesion Podcast series is developed by The Association of Independent Schools NSW.
Julia and Kate are joined by Rabbi Zalman Kastel AM, Dean and Founder, Together For Humanity.
Rabbi Kastel was raised in the ultra-orthodox Hasidic tradition in the racially divided Crown Heights area of Brooklyn, New York. He saw the world through the lens of his absolute tradition and the narrative of his community. This changed in 2001, when encounters with Christians and Muslims transformed him. Rabbi Kastel has had a lot of laughter, surprises and dilemmas on his journey of interfaith cooperation and bringing positive experiences of diversity to young Australians.
He is still a Hasidic Rabbi teaching bible study at Chabad House North Shore in Sydney. He was ordained as a Rabbi after study in the UK, Australia and the US, and completed a Graduate Diploma in Education with the University of New England, Armidale. Rabbi Kastel has a passion for working across communities to develop better understanding between the major faiths. He founded Together For Humanity (previously The Goodness and Kindness Project) in 2002. In 2020, he was made a Member of the Order of Australia in recognition of his work on interfaith and intercultural understanding.
Julia and Kate are joined by Rabbi Zalman Kastel AM, Dean and Founder, Together For Humanity.
Rabbi Kastel was raised in the ultra-orthodox Hasidic tradition in the racially divided Crown Heights area of Brooklyn, New York. He saw the world through the lens of his absolute tradition and the narrative of his community. This changed in 2001, when encounters with Christians and Muslims transformed him. Rabbi Kastel has had a lot of laughter, surprises and dilemmas on his journey of interfaith cooperation and bringing positive experiences of diversity to young Australians.
He is still a Hasidic Rabbi teaching bible study at Chabad House North Shore in Sydney. He was ordained as a Rabbi after study in the UK, Australia and the US, and completed a Graduate Diploma in Education with the University of New England, Armidale. Rabbi Kastel has a passion for working across communities to develop better understanding between the major faiths. He founded Together For Humanity (previously The Goodness and Kindness Project) in 2002. In 2020, he was made a Member of the Order of Australia in recognition of his work on interfaith and intercultural understanding.
Visit the AISNSW Community Cohesion Portal
Listen to the AISNSW Community Cohesion Podcast
For further information about the Community Cohesion Project please contact:
Manager: Community Cohesion - Julia Gyomber 9248 3722
Consultant: Community Cohesion - Kate Xavier 9248 3721
General Enquiries - Email:
General Enquiries - Phone: 0419 279 750
General Enquiries - Email:
General Enquiries - Phone: 0419 279 750