Empowering student agency through community engagement
The AISNSW Community Cohesion Podcast series is developed by The Association of Independent Schools NSW.
In this episode, Julia Gyomber speaks with Zizi Charida, founder and CEO of Community Minds in Sydney's south west.
Community Minds provides a suite of unique community development programs for schools, leaders, families and businesses.
Community Minds walks the talk of asset-based community development with a focus on being a catalyst for inspiring action, community connections, change and the shifting mindset of turning me into we. Zizi's passion for designing creative out-of-the-box solutions and initiatives that inspire people and communities to be part of positive change rather than wait for the change they want to see in their communities.
Join us as we unpack how asset-based community development programs can help support strong, resourceful, cohesive school communities.
Visit the AISNSW Community Cohesion Portal
Listen to the AISNSW Community Cohesion Podcast
For further information about the Community Cohesion Project please contact:
Manager: Community Cohesion - Julia Gyomber 9248 3722
Consultant: Community Cohesion - Kate Xavier 9248 3721
Web: https://communityminds.org.au/what-we-do/community-minded-kids/
Phone: 1 300 264 637
Phone: 1 300 264 637
Email: kids@communityminds.org.au