Community Cohesion in practice: Leadership championing Community Cohesion in education settings
The AISNSW Community Cohesion Podcast series is developed by The Association of Independent Schools NSW.
Julia is joined by Osman Korolia, the current principal of Arkana College. Osman has close to 30 years of experience in schools and has had leadership positions at several schools including Deputy Principal, Head of Senior School, IB Director and Head of Community Engagement. Osman has a passion for service learning, leadership, interfaith/intercultural student experiences and STEAM programs in schools and is driving the culture in those areas at Arkana College. This includes a volunteering and engagement program that is inclusive of students, staff, parents, alumni and the wider community.
Join us as we explore and experience firsthand the importance and positive impact of school leadership, championing community cohesion.
Join us as we explore and experience firsthand the importance and positive impact of school leadership, championing community cohesion.
Visit the AISNSW Community Cohesion Portal
Listen to the AISNSW Community Cohesion Podcast
For further information about the Community Cohesion Project please contact:
Manager: Community Cohesion - Julia Gyomber 9248 3722