Introducing the AISNSW Creating Cohesive Communities Podcast
Welcome to the AISNSW Creating Cohesive Communities Podcast series developed by the Association of Independent Schools NSW.
My name is Julia Gyomber.
And my name is Kate Xavier.
We’re from the AIS New South Wales Community Cohesion Project Team.
Community cohesion is really about creating safe spaces within school communities where everybody feels as though they belong. We look particularly at how diversity can be managed by schools and how we can celebrate diversity so that young people can foster their intercultural capabilities and everyone can get along. In a harmonious way.
Our intention with this podcast is to help independent schools enhance their understanding of programs, research, practical strategies, and current best practice to help navigate how to live, learn and thrive together in harmony.
The AISNSW Creating Cohesive Podcast series will involve short conversations with practitioners in their field of expertise to assist educators better understand the opportunities, inspiration, challenges, and threats to community cohesion in NSW and beyond.
The Creative Cohesive Communities Podcast is here to provide a safe space to grow and challenge our learning. Topics raised in this series may be challenging at times, as it is the very nature of Community cohesion. Please check the podcast transcript for further details and please reach out for any further information or support.
The opinions expressed within the podcast series are representative of the guests only and do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, policies, or position of AIS NSW.
Thank you for listening to this episode. For further information on the AISNSW Community Cohesion Podcast series and Project, or any of our guests, please see our Show Notes.