Measuring and reporting on student wellbeing and building positive relationships
The AISNSW Community Cohesion Podcast series is developed by The Association of Independent Schools NSW.
Julia Gyomber and Kate Xavier chat with Nikki Bonus, the founder and CEO of Life Skills Group.
Nikki has over 20 years of deeply personal and professional experience in the development and delivery of social emotional literacy programs for individuals, organisations and most importantly, teachers and students.
Nikki’s work has helped give voice to more than 850 schools, connecting with 20,000 teachers and 500,000 students nationally, building a continuing evidence base of what works to measure, report and implement real improvements in social, emotional and physical literacy for school communities.
Nikki's intrinsic motivation is to show that no matter where you were born, no matter what family you were born into, anything is possible with the right education.
Join us as we explore student belonging and well-being for creating cohesive school communities.
Visit the AISNSW Community Cohesion Portal
Listen to the AISNSW Community Cohesion Podcast
For further information about the Community Cohesion Project please contact:
Manager: Community Cohesion - Julia Gyomber 9248 3722
Consultant: Community Cohesion - Kate Xavier 9248 3721